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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sweet Matilda, She is Blooming

I needed to name the garden. I have no idea why, but for some reason, something I'm taking this much care and responsibility for, and loving and reporting on at least weekly, feels like it needs a name. And thus, Sweet Matilda was born (inspired by the Tom Waits song, Waltzing Matilda.)

It's been a little over two weeks since the garden was built. In that time, I've been diligent; watering twice daily when necessary, carefully removing too-weak leaves from the bagillion tomato plants, and trying to train the vining plants in the raised bed to flow over the edge. I've been slightly obsessed, and for good reason. I'm in love with it. And it shows. It's growing beautifully, and the anticipation of the fruit and vegetables to come are enough to keep me satiated. Plus: the tomato plant I purchased at the Niles Bensidoun French Market a few weeks ago has popped our very first tomato!

I've waxed poetic on why this garden means more to me than all other gardens past, and it's true. I love it. It's taking time away from obsessing about other crazy things in my life (work, travel, family, life) and allowing me a little bit of focus everyday. For the first time, I understand why people garden (both flowering and eating) and I'm a changed woman.

It helps that I've also spent a lot of time visiting local farmer's markets and farms, and picking up what has started surfacing. I bought my first strawberries of the season, and they've been juicy and delicious, with the expected gorgeous tartness of the beginning of the season. My Locavore app is getting an intense work out these days.

We're actually on our way to Wisconsin right now (got to love blogging from the passenger seat of the car) for our nephew's high school graduation, and I have high hopes of hitting some beautiful WI farm stands on the way back tomorrow. And of course, the necessary, obligatory stops for cheese in all forms.

One thing. I seem to be KILLING all the Marigolds I planted to keep the rabbits/deer/woodland creatures at bay. Any thoughts or suggestions?


  1. I absolutely LOVE your blog. I'm so happy I came across it. It's such a delight to read. I've spent most of my morning reading it when I should have been working!!!

  2. SWVAGirl: Thank you! I'm super stoked you found it and even better, loveit! How did you find it? Love knowing I provided ample work-timesuckage. I know ALL about that, trust me! Xo

  3. Sorry for getting back so late, but I'm pretty sure I found your blog through Apron Anxiety and I'm very happy I did!
